Contributing to RxInfer Examples

We welcome contributions from the community! This guide will help you understand how to add new examples or improve existing ones in the RxInfer Examples collection. Here are the steps to follow to add a new example:

Location and Structure

Create a new Jupyter notebook in the appropriate category folder. Use examples/Basic Examples/ for fundamental concepts, examples/Advanced Examples/ for complex applications, or examples/Problem Specific/ for domain-specific use cases.


You can also introduce a new category by creating a new folder in the examples/ directory. In this case, you should also add a new entry in the docs/make.jl file.

Each example at the very least should have a clear, descriptive title, a meta.jl file in the same directory, a local Project.toml for dependencies, and any required data files.

Notebook Guidelines

  1. First Cell Requirements The first cell must be a markdown cell. It should contain ONLY the title as # <title>. The title should be descriptive and unique (avoid "Overview").

  2. Environment Setup The notebook will use the environment specified in the Project.toml file. Add any additional dependencies to the local project.

  3. Content Structure The notebook should have a clear introduction and problem description, model specification with explanations, inference procedure details, results analysis and visualization, and comprehensive comments for readability.

  4. Self-Contained Code

    • Examples must be fully self-contained without using include() statements
    • All code should be directly in the notebook cells
    • Do not reference external Julia files
    • Users should be able to reproduce examples by simply copying and pasting from the documentation

Mathematical Content


The automatic rendering of equations is handled by the make.jl script and it does not understand the spaces after the $$ or $. Below are the rules for formatting equations.

  1. Equation Formatting

    Some text
    <latex equations here>
    Some other text

    Do not add spaces before or after the $$ or $

  2. Equation Rules

    • No space after opening $$ or $
    • Separate display equations with empty lines
    • Inline equations use single $...$, e.g. $$a + b$$ and not $$ a + b $$

Visualization and figures

  • All plots rendered with Plots.jl should display automatically
  • Asset figures can be saved in the same directory as the notebook and referenced with ![](figure-name.png)
  • Special figures (e.g., GIFs) should be saved to generated-in-the-notebook.gif in the same directory as the notebook
  • Reference saved figures as markdown with ![](generated-in-the-notebook.gif) right after the cell that generated it

Metadata Requirements

Create a meta.jl file in your example's directory with:

return (
    title = "Your Example Title",
    description = """
    A clear description of what the example demonstrates.
    tags = ["category", "relevant", "tags", "here"]

Testing Your Example


Note that building the examples locally requires Weave.jl package to be installed globally in your Julia environment. Use julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Weave")' to install it.

  1. Local Testing

    # Test all examples
    make examples
    # Test specific example
    make example FILTER=YourNotebookName
    # Render the documentation
    make docs
    # Preview the documentation
    make preview
  2. Build Caching

    The build system caches the results of example compilation. If you make changes to an example and still see old errors after rebuilding:

    # Clear all build caches and artifacts
    make clean
    # Then rebuild
    make examples
  3. Common Issues

    • Ensure all dependencies are in Project.toml
    • Verify plots display correctly
    • Test with a clean environment
    • If errors persist after fixing, run make clean to clear cached builds

Important Notes

Plotting Package Preference

Please use Plots.jl instead of PyPlot. PyPlot's installation significantly impacts CI build times.

Documentation Generation

Ensure your notebook renders correctly in the documentation by:

  • Following equation formatting rules
  • Using proper cell types
  • Including all necessary resources

Getting Help

If you're unsure about anything:

  1. Check existing examples for reference
  2. Open an issue for guidance
  3. Ask in the discussions section

Your contributions help make RxInfer.jl better for everyone!