List of Examples
Welcome to our curated collection of RxInfer.jl examples! Here you'll find a comprehensive set of tutorials, demonstrations, and real-world applications that showcase the power and flexibility of RxInfer.jl.
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This gallery is community-driven and automatically generated from our repository. We welcome your contributions!
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Community Tutorials & Guides
Active Inference with RxInfer.jl
An in-depth exploration of Active Inference principles guided by Kobus Esterhuysen at Learnable Loop. -
Video Tutorial Series
Comprehensive video tutorials covering RxInfer.jl's core concepts and applications by @doggotodjl. -
Victor Flores blogpost
A collection of projects and examples with RxInfer (but not limited to) at vflores-io.
Basic Examples
An introductory tutorial to Bayesian binomial regression with RxInfer. Learn how to model binary outcomes using logistic regression with proper Bayesian inference. The example demonstrates the use of Expectation Propagation (EP) algorithm and Polya-Gamma augmentation.
basic examples regression multivariate expectation propagation polya-gammaAn extensive tutorial on Bayesian linear regression with RxInfer with a lot of examples, including multivariate and hierarchical linear regression.
basic examples regression tutorial hierarchical model multivariateBayesian Multinomial Regression
An introductory tutorial to Bayesian multinomial regression with RxInfer. Learn how to model categorical outcomes using multinomial regression with proper Bayesian inference. The example demonstrates the use of Expectation Propagation (EP) algorithm and Polya-Gamma augmentation.
basic examples regression multivariate expectation propagation polya-gammaCoin toss model (Beta-Bernoulli)
An example of Bayesian inference in Beta-Bernoulli model with IID observations.
basic examples conjugate model iid observations beta bernoulliFeature Functions in Bayesian Regression
An example of Bayesian inference in a parametric Gaussian regression model. Based on "Probabilistic Numerics: Computation as Machine Learning" by Hennig, Osborne and Kersting.
probabilistic numerics regression basis functions parametricHow to train your Hidden Markov Model
An example of structured variational Bayesian inference in Hidden Markov Model with unknown transition and observational matrices.
basic examples hmm structured inference variational inferenceKalman filtering and smoothing
In this demo, we are interested in Bayesian state estimation in different types of State-Space Models, including linear, nonlinear, and cases with missing observations
basic examples state space model kalman filter missing data nonlinearPOMDP Control with Reactive Inference
An example demonstrating how to perform control in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) using reactive message passing and variational inference.
basic examples pomdp control structured inference variational inferenceAn illustrative guide to implementing prediction mechanisms within RxInfer.jl, using bike rental demand forecasting as a contextual example.
basic examples prediction time series real dataAdvanced Examples
This notebooks covers RxInfer usage in the Active Inference setting for the simple mountain car problem.
advanced examples active inference control reinforcement learningThis notebook covers the fundamentals and advanced usage of the `RxInfer.jl` package.
advanced examples tutorial fundamentalsThe demo is inspired by the example from Chapter 2 of Bishop's Model-Based Machine Learning book. We are going to perform an exact inference to assess the skills of a student given the results of the test.
advanced examples exact inference educational skill assessmentChance-Constrained Active Inference
This notebook applies reactive message passing for active inference in the context of chance-constraints.
advanced examples active inference constraints controlConjugate-Computational Variational Message Passing (CVI)
This example provides an extensive tutorial for the non-conjugate message-passing based inference by exploiting the local CVI approximation.
advanced examples cvi non conjugate variational inference tutorialThis example shows how to use RxInfer.jl automated inference to simulate drone dynamics.
advanced examplesThis example shows how to use RxInfer.jl automated inference within other optimisation packages such as Optim.jl.
advanced examples optimization parameter estimation integrationIn this notebook, we solve a GP regression problem by using 'Stochastic Differential Equation' (SDE). This method is well described in the dissertation 'Stochastic differential equation methods for spatio-temporal Gaussian process regression.' by Arno Solin and 'Sequential Inference for Latent Temporal Gaussian Process Models' by Jouni Hartikainen.
advanced examples gaussian process sde regression state space modelThis example shows RxInfer capabilities of running inference for infinite time-series data.
advanced examples streaming online inference time seriesMulti-agent Trajectory Planning
This example shows how to plan multi-agents' trajectories while avoiding obstacles and collisions between agents.
advanced examplesNonlinear object position identification using a sparse set of sensors
advanced examples sensor fusion nonlinear sparse dataThis example explores how RxInfer.jl's automated inference can be applied to path planning for a robotic arm and demonstrates how probabilistic inference enables smooth and efficient motion planning. Ideal for those interested in robotics, Bayesian inference, and intelligent control systems.
advanced examples robotics probabilistic inference path planning Bayesian methodsProblem Specific
An example of Bayesian treatment of latent AR and ARMA models. Reference: [Albert Podusenko, Message Passing-Based Inference for Time-Varying Autoregressive Models](
problem specific time series arma latent variablesThis example implements one of the Gamma mixture experiments outlined in .
problem specific mixture model gamma distribution clusteringThis example implements variational Bayesian inference in univariate and multivariate Gaussian mixture models with mean-field assumption.
problem specific mixture model gaussian mean field clusteringAn example of online inference procedure for Hierarchical Gaussian Filter with univariate noisy observations using Variational Message Passing algorithm. Reference: [Ismail Senoz, Online Message Passing-based Inference in the Hierarchical Gaussian Filter](
problem specific hierarchical model online inference filteringInvertible neural networks: a tutorial
An example of variational Bayesian Inference with invertible neural networks. Reference: Bart van Erp, Hybrid Inference with Invertible Neural Networks in Factor Graphs.
problem specific neural networks invertible networks hybrid inferenceUsing Bayesian Inference and RxInfer to estimate daily litter events (adapted from
problem specific real data time series event modelingAn example of solving Lotka Volterra ODE with RxInfer.jl. Reference: [Lotka Volterra ODE](
problem specific ode differential equationsIn this demo we illustrate EP in the context of state-estimation in a linear state-space model that combines a Gaussian state-evolution model with a discrete observation model.
problem specific expectation propagation probit state space modelThis example performs BIFM Kalman smoother on a factor graph using message passing and compares it with the RTS implementation.
problem specific smoothing kalman filter comparisonIn this example we create a non-conjugate model and use a nonlinear link function between variables. We show how to extend the functionality of `RxInfer` and to create a custom factor node with arbitrary message passing update rules.
problem specific nonlinear custom node message passingStructural Dynamics with Augmented Kalman Filter
In this example, we estimate system states and unknown input forces for a simple **structural dynamical system** using the Augmented Kalman Filter (AKF) ( in **RxInfer**.
problem specific kalman filter structural dynamics state estimationUniversal mixture modeling.
problem specific mixture model universal approximationThis gallery is community-driven and automatically generated from our repository. We welcome your contributions!